Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
For those of you who have been wondering where my blog has gone, and who the guilty party is...I am ready to make my accusation:
Senior Design, in Richie's Senior Year, with the Copious Amounts of Work
But now that is over, and I have more important issues to deal with. In particular I need to work on trusting the Lord in all things. This was made very clear to me today when my boss told me that, due to a corporate wide hiring freeze caused by the economic situation, he can't promise me a job when I graduate. While this does not cause me any immediate hardship, it does throw my future into doubt...and I'm not good with doubt.
The whole trusting thing...not my strong point. I know everything happens according to God's providential control, and yet I'm the kind of guy that, even when I'm spinning out of control on an endless sheet of can bet my hands will be on the steering wheel. And somehow having the steering wheel rip off in my hands is infinitely more terrifying than spinning in the first place. Logical? I think not.
But back in the real world. It does raise a very legitimate question about where I will be living over the next few years. I had hoped to stay in the area and live where I am now...but now it seems increasingly likely that I will end up somewhere much further away. Texas seems to have a lot of jobs, and good paying ones at that. Texas is a long way away. And still any semblance of a job in TN alludes me...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Bill Watterson and state Sovereignty

Monday, October 27, 2008
The Almost Poem
About the common cold,
You'll never hear of worse,
So it shall ne'er be told.
It spoke of snot and phlegm,
Jack Daniel's it extolled,
Indeed it was no gem
So it shall ne'er be told.
Yet Muse knew not its time,
It prodded and cajoled
So I composed this rhyme,
Of what shall ne'er be told.
Spell Check: 4
Monday, October 20, 2008
The American Dream
Oboma's plan (though McCain's is not much better in many ways) appears to be specifically designed to TAKE money from those that have succeeded in "Living the Dream" and give it to those that have either not yet succeeded to the same degree, or are simply not trying. But certainly this can not be true, for Obama is an honorable man. Let's consider all three parties involved, excluding the government.
The successful "Joe the Plumber": This is someone who, through hard work, or business savvy (and most often a combination of both) have succeeded in establish a successful career, either in a larger company, or by starting a small company of their own. I think we all agree that taking away his money, is by no means helping HIM live the American Dream. But Obama is an honorable, so let us consider the others, for it is certainly helping them.
The struggling "Joe the Plumber": poor Joe has been working hard and doing his best, but due to a combination of bad luck, and a few slip ups, has not yet succeeded in establishing a very strong career. Obama (and Obama is an honorable man) proposes that we give successful Joe's money to Poor Joe. But this is not helping Poor Joe live the Dream. It is giving him money which, from no fault of his own, he has not earned. While it may help him live more comfortably, it is not helping him succeed.
The last person in Obama's plan (and let us remember, Obama is an honorable man) is "Bum Joe." Bum Joe doesn't work, doesn't pay taxes, doesn't own property, and doesn't care. Obama (and Obama is an honorable man) proposes that we take successful Joe's money and give it to Bum Joe. But Bum Joe is not living the American Dream, and doesn't want to. He wants other people to do the work, and him to reap the benefits.
Dear friends, I propose to you that this is not the American Dream, but socialism. Obama (and we KNOW Obama is an honorable man) is parading socialism under the facade of the American Dream. America, haven't we learned yet that you can put lipstick on a pig...
Spell Check: 6 It was a dark day...
Friday, October 17, 2008
I can feel my sanity slowly slipping away...
which is the only reason I'm sure I still have it. For now.
Spell Checker: 2
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Black Socks
Whiskers they never get dirty
The longer you leave them the longer they get.
Sometimes I think of my razor
But something inside me says don't shave them yet.
Still not sure if I'm gonna shave...
In other news, it's Thursday. Again. Feels like the week has hardly started, and yet last weekend seems like ages ago. Funny how that works.
Spell Checker: 4
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Mission Statement
Every undertaking should have one. My introspective incursion into the incorporeal idealization of ideas and ideology which we have termed the "blogosphere" shall be no exception.
My mission:
- To revel in the subtle irony of life.
- To sharpen my mind by the dynamic discussion, deliberation, and disputation of different topics and issues, both personal and communal, in the form of writing.
- To reduce my dependency on the Spell Checker with every post.
- To laugh, in hopes that others may laugh with me, or at me, as they see fit.
Spell Checker uses: 4